Tag: graphite
2 attack reports | 0 vulnerabilities
Attack reports
Cloud Cover: How Malicious Actors Are Leveraging Cloud Services
In recent times, there has been a notable rise in the exploitation of legitimate cloud services by threat actors, including nation-state groups. Attackers have realized the potential of these services to provide low-cost infrastructure, evading detection as communication to trusted platforms may no…
Downloadable IOCs 20
Graph: Growing number of threats leveraging Microsoft API
An increasing number of cyber threats have adopted the use of the Microsoft Graph API to facilitate covert communications with command-and-control infrastructure hosted on Microsoft cloud services. This technique helps attackers blend in with legitimate traffic to cloud platforms and obtain infrast…
Downloadable IOCs 10
Cloud Cover: How Malicious Actors Are Leveraging Cloud Services
In recent times, there has been a notable rise in the exploitation of legitimate cloud services by threat actors, including nation-state groups. Attackers have realized the potential of these services to provide low-cost infrastructure, evading detection as communication to trusted platforms may no…
Downloadable IOCs 20
Graph: Growing number of threats leveraging Microsoft API
An increasing number of cyber threats have adopted the use of the Microsoft Graph API to facilitate covert communications with command-and-control infrastructure hosted on Microsoft cloud services. This technique helps attackers blend in with legitimate traffic to cloud platforms and obtain infrast…
Downloadable IOCs 10